Zoho CRM

How To Setup Zoho CRM – Modules, Fields, Personal and Company Settings

How to setup your zoho crm Modules, Fields, Personal and Company Settings


How to set up your company

First things first, when you log in you’ll see this page. Add your company name and press get started.

Zoho CRM initial setup

PRO TIP 💡: Unselect the load sample data if you’re setting up your company, otherwise that data will just clutter your CRM. But if you’re doing it only to try Zoho CRM functionalities, then keep it selected.


How to access the modules settings

When you first get started, there’s a lot of modules that you might don’t need in your business. To start the declutter process you need to access your modules and fields settings. To do so click on the Settings icon on the top right corner, and then select “Modules and Fields” from the Customization menu.

modules and fields settings



How to access Zoho CRM Modules General Settings

Here is where you will get rid of the modules you don’t use by doing the following: first, click on the “Organize modules” button.

modules settings

On this popup screen, unselect the modules that do not apply to your business. If it shows an alert pop up, hit “Yes, proceed”, then click the “Save” button.

modules settings 2


How to access Zoho CRM Fields Settings

To access your fields settings inside a module, first click to select the desired module. In this example we’ll use “Contacts”.

Fields setting access

Inside the Contact module settings, click in the “Standard” layout.

Fields setting access 2

The next screen should look similar to this:

Fields layout settings


How to Create a New Section inside your layout

To create a new section, simply click and drag from the left side menu:

Adding new section

In this screen, you simply drag and drop the fields into sections as you judge necessary.

PRO TIPS 💡: We recommend keeping the sections by categories, like “Communication” where you put all the communication links together. Another tip is to keep the fields grouped by type, like all the phone numbers and emails side by side, for an easier visualization.


How to remove unnecessary fields

To get rid of a field, simply click the “…” on the right corner of the field and select “Remove field” from the dropdown menu.

how to remove a field

Once you have finished all your settings inside the layout, click “Save and Close” on the top right corner of the screen.


How to setup Personal Settings

To access the personal settings, click on the Settings icon on the top right corner, and then select “Personal Settings” from the General menu.

how to access personal settings

To edit your “Personal Settings”, click the pencil icon on the top right corner of each section.

how to edit personal settings - detailed

PRO TIP 💡: This info is what will be used in future automations, so make sure it is all accurate and up to date!


How to setup Company Details

On the previous screen, select “Company Details” in the left top side of the menu. Here you’ll use the same steps as before by clicking on the pencil icon to edit the Company Details.

How to access company details


You've done it!

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